Program & Chairs
Preliminary Program is now online!
- Monday, June 17, 2024
> Tutorials & Workshops
> Technical pre-program
> Get together - Tuesday, June 18, 2024
> Opening, Keynotes
> Sessions, Poster Session
> Conference Reception - Wednesday, June 19, 2024
> Sessions, Poster Session
> Special activities
> Evening activities - Thursday, June 20, 2024
> Sessions, Poster Session
> Closing

International Board
Conference Chair
Martin Schneider-Ramelow | Technische Universität Berlin and Fraunhofer IZM Berlin
International Chairs
Colin Fitzpatrick | University of Limerick, Ireland
Tadatomo Suga | Meisei University, Japan
Yasushi Umeda | The University of Tokyo, Japan
Technical Chairs
Nils F. Nissen | Fraunhofer IZM
Alexandra Morozov | Fraunhofer IZM
Keynote speaker
Sustainable Semiconductor Manufacturing – the Challenge and Opportunity

Todd Brady
Chief Sustainability Officer at Intel CorporationTodd Brady is the Chief Sustainability Officer for Intel Corporation, and Vice President of Community Relations & Sustainable Operations. As Chief Sustainability Officer, he leads Intel’s global sustainability initiatives including climate, energy, water, green buildings and circular economy. Currently, Todd’s organization is focused on achieving Intel’s ambitious 2030 sustainability goals and commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Intel’s global operations by 2040. ...
Can we create a circular structure for guiding innovation towards both what is and what is to be?

Mads Kogsgaard Hansen
Director, Head of Product Circularity & Portfolio Planning Bang & Olufsen A/SMads Kogsgaard Hansen is responsible for portfolio planning, product innovation and business development, incorporating his passion for the circular economy and human-centered design within this role. Mads leads product circularity initiatives and the Classics Programme, which aims to demonstrate Bang & Olufsen’s commitment to circular thinking, longevity, and timeless design. ...
Interested in joining insightful discussions and collaborations? Then participate in our interactive tutorials and workshops on sustainable electronics! Addressing LCA standards alongside circularity strategies, workshops will take place on Monday afternoon at the conference hotel.
Participation can be booked via ConfTool.
The participation in the workshops below is free of charge.

"PFAS – The path away from perpetual chemicals towards more sustainability"
Monday, June 17, 2024 | 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Host: Fraunhofer IPMS/Green ICT | max. participants: 25
No microelectronics without PFAS! This has been true for 50 years, but emerging regulation, impulses from industry and the existing environmental risks require rapid and effective action from science and the microelectronics industry.
We offer an insight into the challenges from a regulatory, environmental and economic perspective. Join us for an innovation workshop to develop solutions for the replacement of PFAS.
"RE-thinking electronics: how to optimise REuse, REpair, REcycling, REmanufacturing and REcovery of valuable resources in electronic products using Digital Product Passport?"
Monday, June 17, 2024 | 2-6 p.m.
Host: CE-RISE project consortium | max. participants: 80
This interactive workshop will discuss the intricacies of setting up a Circular Economy Resource Information System. Join us to discuss (a) the needs of all the stakeholders in the value chain, (b) how a reliable circularity assessment can be performed and (c) how DPP is applied in case studies of the CE-RISE project.
"Consultation Meeting: "Towards ambitious LCA Product Category Rules for ICT equipment"
Monday, June 17, 2024 | 2-6 p.m.
Host: Fraunhofer IZM (Karsten Schischke) | max. participants: 80
Despite a multitude of standards, norms and guidelines for LCAs, including those for ICT equipment, there is a recognized need for progress in the comparability of LCA results. The current implementation of LCA practices in the industry is not yet optimized for guiding product designs and supply chains towards climate targets and other sustainability goals. Since the end of 2023, an industry initiative moderated by Fraunhofer IZM has been discussing elements of an upcoming PCR to overcome the identified deficits. In this consultation meeting, a first draft of such an LCA methodology for laptops and desktop computers will be presented and discussed. Interested parties from industry, government, research, software providers, procurement organizations and society are invited to discuss the current status of this initiative and to comment on objectives, life cycle models and reporting requirements. This initiative will be presented in the broader context of PCR developments for other ICT segments and activities for better data models for key components of ICT devices.
"There’s no end to a circle. A workshop on how to address circularity challenges in electronics manufacturing."
Monday, June 17, 2024 | 2-6 p.m.
Host: IPC/iNEMI | max. participants: 40 (with invited participants)
Circularity means that electronics manufacturers have systems and processes in place that address remanufacturing, recycling, reparability, reusability, upgradability, and resource efficiency. Solutions driven by industry will help enable efficient and effective adoption of circularity through the electronics manufacturing value chain. Attendees of this workshop should be procurement officers, policy experts, and technical experts who will work together in small teams to develop initial scopes for electronics industry solutions that address pressing circularity challenges. At the end of the workshop, we will have foundational content for new industry standards, tools, and workforce education.
Technical Tours (Friday)
Gain an impressive insight into the industry and research based in Berlin. Each tour has a participation fee of 10€. A ticket for public transportation will be provided, if needed.
Participation can be booked via ConfTool.
Only bookable if you purchase a conference ticket.

Fraunhofer IZM, 10 a.m. – 12p.m., max. 20 participants
As part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IZM specializes in applied and industrial contract research. Fraunhofer IZM’s focus is on packaging technology and the integration of multifunctional electronics into systems.
The Department Environmental and Reliability Engineering supports technological developments until they reach market maturity with environmental and reliability analysis reaching from nano-characterisation level to evaluation and optimisation at the system level. Under the leadership of Dr. Nils F. Nissen, the Technical Chair of the Electronics Goes Green 2024+, a unique combination is achieved between the established cross-sectional specialist fields of reliability and sustainability.
Tour through different laboratories of the institute incl. exchange of ideas afterwards
Further information:
Address: Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany
NTT Global Data Centers, 11a.m.-1p.m., max. 20 participants
NTT’s data centers are expanding in Germany’s capital. Berlin is the second-largest data center market in Germany. The market is still emerging and poised for more growth. The Berlin Commercial Internet Exchange (BCIX), resides in the city and is one of the largest German internet exchange points by membership. NTT’s Berlin data centers, already in a strategic location as a gateway to Eastern Europe, provide you with the best possible physical and technical infrastructure to ensure that your systems and operations are continuously running.
Data center tour through the Berlin 1 Data Center and discussion about sustainability initiatives
Further information:
Address: Nonnendammallee 15, 13599 Berlin, Germany
The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ): 12 – 2p.m., 20 participants
The Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) in Berlin-Adlershof is an international state-of-the-art competence center for science & technology as well as service & transfer for innovations in and by crystalline materials. The R&D spectrum thereby ranges from basic over applied research activities up to pre-industrial research tasks.
Crystalline materials are key technology enabling components to provide electronic and photonic solutions to today´s and future challenges in society such as artificial intelligence (communication, mobility etc.), energy (renewable energies, power conversion etc.) and health (medical diagnosis, modern surgical instruments etc.).
Speaker: Prof Dr Matthias Bickermann, Department Head Volume Crystals
"The crystal age - how to make large crystals and why all the technology around us is based on (semiconductor) crystals."
Tour through the institute incl. exchange of ideas afterwards
Further information:
Address: Max-Born-Straße 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany